Saturday, February 2, 2013

Famous people in water commercial ads

Many people think that bottled water isn't a particularly exciting product and there is probably a degree of truth in this statement. Because of this image, a water brand has to put a considerable amount of thought into the marketing of their products. Any advertisement will have a greater impact with a well known celebrity and since commercials became common in the 1960s, many stars have been involved. There are many types of water that fall into the 'mineral water' category i.e. still, sparkling and flavoured.

The return of Thunderbirds

Although the Thunderbirds puppet TV show finished its original run in 1966, one iconic character made a brief return in 2008. Britvic, the UK based producer, created an advert using 'Brains' who was the popular scientist from the show. This commercial had a huge impact as he was performing a dance routine that was entirely unlike his original character. 'Brains' was always a calm, intellectual individual and so having him perform to a club dance track made viewers take notice of the Drench brand of mineral water.

Luciano Pavarotti (well, almost)

In Switzerland, the Rhäzünser mineral water company wanted to promote their product  with a big name. They decided that the ideal celebrity to feature would be the world famous opera singer Luciano Pavarotti. An advert was produced and at the first glance, it would appear that the Italian is performing exclusively for them. Surprisingly, it is actually an actor from the UK called Colin Miller. His appearance is so similar to Pavarotti's that many viewers were fooled into thinking that the real tenor was on the screen.

The many faces of David Bowie

During David Bowie's career, he has performed as a number of different characters including his most famous alter ego, Ziggy Stardust. In 2003, Vittel wanted to produce a memorable TV spot in France and their chosen slogan was 'Chaque jour une vie nouvelle' or 'A new life everyday.' Bowie appeared on screen in a variety of different costumes to give a visual representation of their slogan. The creative challenge was that Bowie looked too old to play his younger characters and so another 'lookalike' actor was found for these roles.

Apart from appearing in actual commercials, many celebrities receive an endorsement payment by agreeing to appear in public with a branded water bottle. These images then 'naturally' appear on TV and Jennifer Aniston has this type of arrangement with Glacéau for their Smartwater product.


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