Monday, February 25, 2013

Water in movies

There have been many documentaries and films produced that make use of human beings' need for water as overarching themes, as well as the danger water can present. Since humankind became aware of the preciousness of this natural resource, it has held a mystique. While there are far too many quality films to list in one place, some of the better, more informative, and more entertaining ones are worth a mention.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Famous people in water commercial ads

Many people think that bottled water isn't a particularly exciting product and there is probably a degree of truth in this statement. Because of this image, a water brand has to put a considerable amount of thought into the marketing of their products. Any advertisement will have a greater impact with a well known celebrity and since commercials became common in the 1960s, many stars have been involved. There are many types of water that fall into the 'mineral water' category i.e. still, sparkling and flavoured.